We have launched the voting phase of the BAKE Kenyan Blog Awards 2015 today in addition to the nominees in each category. The launch happened at Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi. The nominees were selected by a panel of judges comprising of bloggers and media personalities. The judges this year were Philip Mwaniki, Lynda Nyangweso, Mbugua Njihia, Joel Macharia and Ahmed Salim.
Voting will run from today 2nd March 2014 and will end on April 30th 2014. You can vote for your favourite blogs here bakeawards.co.ke/vote.
“We must support the ecosystem around our business & bloggers are part of our ecosystem, we are sponsoring the blog awards this year because we also believe in local content” said Adil El Youssefi, CEO Airtel Kenya at the voting phase launch.
“The Blog content creation in Kenya is growing and this is evident from the increase in nominations and voting numbers over time” said Kennedy Kachwanya, BAKE chairman.
“Relevant content, regular posting and marketing. Through blogging there is now a second force for reporting” said Philip Mwaniki, Daily Nation Editor and a Kenyan Blog Awards 2015 judge.
The Awards reward bloggers that post on a regular basis, have great and useful content presented in a creative and innovative format. The Kenyan Blog Awards 2015 sponsors include Airtel, who are the Gold Sponsors, Hivos Foundation, Intel, Xpose, and X News.
Here is a list of the nominees in the various categories.
1. Best Technology Blog
- http://techmoran.com/
- http://tommakau.com/
- http://www.droid254.com/
- https://olooesqr.wordpress.com/
- http://techtrendske.co.ke/
2. Best Photography Blog
- http://mutuamatheka.co.ke/blog/
- http://www.victorpeace.com/blog-4/
- http://buoart.com/
- http://benkiruthi.com/blog3/
- http://mwarv.click.co.ke/
3. Best Creative Writing Blog
- http://bikozulu.co.ke/
- http://crazynairobian.com/
- http://www.mydeardoris.com/
- http://www.magunga.com/
- https://wordedveil.wordpress.com/
4. Best Business Blog
- http://www.sunwords.com/
- http://bankelele.co.ke/
- http://kenyabusinessideas.com/
- http://liliankaivilu.com/
- http://moneyacademy.co.ke/
5. Best Food Blog
- http://pikachakula.com/
- http://pendolamama.co.ke/
- http://leotunapika.com/
- https://healthylivingkenya.wordpress.com/
- http://thewineandfoodreview.com/
6. Best Environmental/Agricultural Blog
- https://dannyfarm.wordpress.com/
- http://www.farmingafrika.com/
- http://graduatefarmer.co.ke/
- https://conservationatheart.wordpress.com/
7. Best Fashion/Beauty/Hair/Style Blog
- http://www.thisisess.com/
- http://mskibati.com/
- http://stylesketches.com/
- http://silvianjoki.com/
- http://ourstylekenya.com/
8. Best Politics Blog
- http://info.mzalendo.com/
- https://kanalispeaks.wordpress.com/
- http://www.brainstorm.co.ke/
- http://gathara.blogspot.com/
- http://agachiri.blogspot.com/
9. Best New Blog
- http://pendotalk.co.ke/
- https://chanyado.wordpress.com/
- http://building.co.ke/
- http://nyatichiy.com/
- http://kenyabusinessideas.com/
10. Best Corporate Blog
- http://community.ihub.co.ke/blogs/
- http://chasestories.chasebankkenya.co.ke/
- http://blog.batakenya.com/
- https://storymojaafrica.wordpress.com/
- http://www.pivoteast.com/blog/
11. Best Topical Blog
- https://inkedbiker.wordpress.com/
- http://www.oilnewskenya.com/
- http://owaahh.com/
- http://www.lizlenjo.com/
- http://www.kenyaweddings.co.ke/blog
12. Best Sports Blog
- http://www.futaa.com/
- http://www.michezoafrika.com/
- http://superfoota.co.ke/
- http://www.osbke.com/
- http://www.ragahouse.com/
13. Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Blog
- http://www.ghafla.co.ke/
- http://www.v3rcity.com/
- http://www.nairobiliving.com/
- http://www.jaytakeapic.com/
- http://www.africacelebritynews.com/
14. Best Education Blog
- https://cipitlawstrath.wordpress.com/
- https://okachformusungu.wordpress.com/
- http://francophonie-at-daystar.blogspot.com/
15. Best Travel Blog
- http://nyatichiy.com/
- http://www.safari254.com/
- http://www.travelstart.co.ke/blog/
- http://zurukenya.com/
- http://adventure254.com/
16. Best Health Blog
- http://healthkenya.co.ke/
- http://ask-thenutritionist.com/
- http://sitawa.blogspot.com/
- http://janemukami.com/
17. Best County Blog
- http://kakamega411.com/
- http://county-411.com/baringonews/
- https://uasingishudecides.wordpress.com/
- http://northriftpolitics.com/
- http://www.nepjournal.com/
18. Kenyan Blog of the Year