Tag: Terryanne Chebet

  • Safaricom are our title sponsors this year

    Safaricom are our title sponsors this year

    Safaricom are the title sponsors for this year’s awards. This is not the first time that Safaricom has worked with BAKE in supporting the awards as they extended their sponsorship in 2012, 2013 and 2014. We are pleased to have them on board again this year. The BAKE chairman, Kennedy Kachwanya had this to say…

  • Meet the judges of the 2016 Kenyan Blog Awards

    Meet the judges of the 2016 Kenyan Blog Awards

    We currently in the judging phase of the Kenyan Blog Awards 2016. This phase began on February 11th and will end on the 28th. As promised, we have a panel of judges from diverse backgrounds who are sifting through the over 4000 blogs you submitted. They will decide on the 5 blogs that advance to the next…