
The BAKE Awards 2021 rules are as follows:

1. To participate in the contest a blog needs to be submitted into the competition during the submission period. A blog need only be submitted once. The number of times a blog is submitted to the contest does not influence its chances of advancing to the next round or its chances of winning.

2. Blogs that have won an award three (3) or more times in a specific category are not eligible to take part in the competition in the same category.

3. Only blogs in English and Kiswahili can be submitted into the competition.

4. Only blogs run by people and brands of Kenyan origin, descent or are based in Kenya can be submitted.

5. A blog owner can submit their own blog into the competition.

6. Blogs submitted must be accessible to the public.

7. Blogs should be submitted to the category that they fit in. Any blog which does not suit the category it was submitted in may be removed from the competition or placed in another category without consultation.

8. Blogs can only be submitted in one category except for new blogs. New blogs can be submitted into the new blog category and one other category that fits.

9. Blogs run by the awards organizing team, judges and sponsors will not be allowed in the competition.

10. Blogs that contravene the Kenyan Constitution and laws, contain or link to any form of insulting, racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic or in any other way discriminatory or obscene content will not be permitted.

11. The competition has 24 categories but submissions will be accepted in only 23 categories. Submissions in the Blog of the Year category are not required.

12. The Blog of the Year nominees will be decided by the judges who will pick the top 5 blogs from the submissions in all the categories.

13. Any submission or vote made outside of the allocated time frames will be discarded.

14. The judges’ decision is final.

15. The voting phase begins when the judges name the nominees in each of the contest’s categories.

16. Voting is allowed only once per category. Nominated bloggers may vote for themselves.

17. Voting results will decide the winners in all 24 categories.