Category: History 2016

  • Recap of the BAKE Awards 2016

    Recap of the BAKE Awards 2016

    This year’s BAKE Awards winners’ gala was held on Saturday 14th May, 2016 at Radisson Blu, Upperhill. The event kicked off a few minutes after 7pm with the host Bonney Tunya welcoming the attendees to the fifth edition of the awards. He followed up by interviewing the BAKE chairman, Kennedy Kachwanya, about the awards history…

  • BAKE Awards 2016 winners

    BAKE Awards 2016 winners

    The winners of the Kenyan Blog Awards 2016 (BAKE Awards) have just been announced at a gala event that took place today at Radisson Blu Nairobi. The BAKE Awards 2016 journey started on January 8th 2016 with the launch of the awards plus the opening of the submission where Kenyan blogs could be submitted into…

  • Announcing the BAKE Awards 2016 nominees

    Announcing the BAKE Awards 2016 nominees

    We are now at the most exciting bit of this year’s BAKE Awards; the announcement of the nominees and the launch of the voting phase. This follows a grueling exercise, by judges, who sifted through a whopping 4,899 blog submissions that were received. The judges who were tasked with selecting the best 5 blogs in…

  • Announcing the BAKE Awards 2016

    Announcing the BAKE Awards 2016

    Every year for the last four years, we at the Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) have embarked on an annual journey that culminates in the awarding of Kenyan bloggers. This is the journey that sees the presentation of the BAKE Awards. It is with pleasure that we announce the launch of the 5th BAKE Awards. Going…